Lunch and Learn:

The Business of Baking with Zach Martinucci

The Business of Baking with Zach Martinucci

July 15 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

 Your recipes are perfect, your social media fans are excited, and you love baking for your community. But how do you actually turn your passion into a real business? There’s a lot more to ownership than just baking great loaves and pastries, and a number of things you’ll want to consider before taking the leap to opening your own place.

Zach Martinucci is a baker and culinary anthropologist who founded Rebel Bread in Denver, CO in 2018 with a few thousand dollars and a dream. He has spent the last five years growing the artisan wholesale bakery into a multi-million dollar business with 30 employees, and is excited to share the lessons, tools, and spreadsheets that have helped contribute to a sustainable business.

Zach simplifies business ownership into three steps: Making a Plan, Figuring out the Finances, and Taking Action. In this workshop, we’ll explore each step in detail, including crafting a comprehensive business plan beyond menu items, understanding finances for profitability, building meaningful community connections, and navigating operational challenges.

Whether you’re considering bakery ownership, expanding a side hustle, or seeking fresh perspectives for your existing business, this workshop will leave you with a confident understanding of how it all works, so you can take the best next steps for your baking journey.

Lunch & Learn. The Business of Baking.

 Zach Martinucci loves telling stories about food, over food, and even through food.

He studied Culinary Anthropology at UCLA, where he spent months in Italy cooking, eating, learning, and talking about food, before completing a Professional Bread and Viennoiserie program at the San Francisco Baking Institute.

Zach founded Rebel Bread in 2018 – a community bakery and bread school in Denver, CO that bakes artisan bread and pastries daily for local coffee shops, restaurants, farmers markets, and home delivery.

Zach is passionate about entrepreneurship, education, and culinary traditions. He has presented at UCLA Undergraduate Research Week, TEDxMileHigh, The Small Business Institute Conference, Metropolitan State University Center for Entrepreneurship, and the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.

Zach believes that food can (and should) tell the story of who we are. He is dedicated to inspiring our relationships with food—one community, conversation, and loaf of bread at a time.

Instagram: @rebelbreaddenver @zachmartinucci


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